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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

25 Things I Learned in 25 Years of Life

     I finally turned the big 2-5! Pretty exciting (= I'm starting to actually feel like an adult haha! you know, because having a husband and 3 kids didn't make me feel like one hahaha Anyway, I wanted to look back over my 25 years and remember some of the lessons I've been taught. I figured it would be pretty clever to come up with 25 things that I've learned so far. So in no particular order of importance, here are a few things that have been imprinted on me through life experiences...

1 - God's ways are ALWAYS better than my ways
2 - Distance will show you who your true friends are
3 - My husband is the most important person in my life, and he is my closest friend
4 - Sometimes less IS more
5 - I don't know everything
6 - Apologizing to my kids is so tough & humbling, but so worth it
7 - Through children, God exposes my worst traits
8 - The quality of my relationship with my husband & children is far more important than a clean house/well-prepared meal
9 - Being content in the season of life I'm in is not as easy as it sounds
10 - I can function on very little sleep
11 - I can't control how others treat me, but I CAN control how I respond (in thought and deed) & it's a very hard habit to build in myself
12 - Little kids are very forgiving
13 - All the hormonal change that comes with being a mom is ok
14 - Everyone has past mistakes, some are just better at hiding their mistakes than others
15 - Being a stay at home wife/mom is the hardest thing I've ever done, but I love it and am so blessed to be able to do it
16 - Becoming a mother can make you lose your own identity, but it's important to have hobbies/likes that are unrelated to being a mother
17 - I have one of the smartest guys for a husband
18 - I need to be the calm in my children's' 'storms'
19 - Heels are pretty, but not worth the pain (;
20 - Investing time/energy into building a relationship with your children is emotionally draining and so much harder than taking care of their physical needs
21 - I definitely married up
22 - Becoming a mother/parent has changed me forever
23 - It's always better to give people the benefit of doubt
24 - I can't please everyone around me
25 - Sometimes (most times) it's better to keep my opinions to myself (;

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